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Appcelerator Setting Up Push Notifications

Nov 28, 2017 by admin Category: Appcelerator, Blog 0 comments

Android open firebase https://console.firebase.google.comCreate projectAdd android appEnter SHA1 key run: keytool -exportcert -keystore keystore -list -vClick project cog -> project settings and then cloud messagingCopy and paste details into Appc cloudSender ID will be 12 digits and Server key will be hugeEasy when you know how with old outdated docs and 6 hours laterExample advanced […]

How To Steal RTMP videos from youtube, vimeo, jwplayer with Google Chrome only

Hi All, I this video we will be explaining how easy it is to steal RTMP content from a website using Google Chrome only and its inspect element tools. When setting up to use secure online media streaming we always suggest using services like S3Bubble Secure media streaming that provide secure adaptive bitrate streaming setup […]